Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapists work to improve participation in any task that 'occupies' your time. They can address a wide range of skill areas that may be impacting play, self help tasks, writing, bike riding, and more. Our OTs use child led approaches that place a strong emphasis on emotional regulation, engagement, and problem solving. It may look 'fun', but our sessions are hard work and can address a variety of skill areas including:

* vision

* coordination

* strength and balance

* eating and feeding, including picky eating

* emotional regulation

* social skills

* motor planning

* fine motor skills 

* engagement and attention


Not sure if your child would benefit from OT? Contact our office to set up a free consultation. The Therapy SPOT feels strongly that finding a "good fit" is important. If you would like a recommendation for an occupational therapist, let our office know!