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Activity Idea: Fine Motor Skills

Oct 02 , 2018

Finger Twister Activity Skills Addressed: finger dexterity and finger isolation Materials & Set-Up: Materials to make: twister board and spinn...

Building Blocks to Visual Perception

Jun 25 , 2018

Occupational therapists can address difficulties with visual perception and the development of key building blocks to improve on visual perceptual ...

Social Stories

Jun 11 , 2018

What are social stories and how can they help your child? Social Stories are a social learning tool that supports the safe and meaningful exchange ...

Sensory Meltdowns

May 14 , 2018

A sensory meltdown is a fight or flight response to sensory overload. It can often be mistaken for a tantrum or behavior problem. Children with se...

Therapeutic Listening

Oct 15 , 2017

Sounds impact us throughout our everyday life. For example, listening to repetitive nature sounds can be calming. On the other hand, fast paced mus...